1·The skillful repair of fine lace entails slow and painstaking work.
2·To achieve such a realm, painters have decades of painstaking work can not be.
3·Making this transformation - and it is a transformation - requires painstaking work and it takes time.
4·Now, we have learned that, in our system, getting trade deals right is challenging, painstaking work.
5·Now we were finally ready to begin the painstaking work of building the first evolving intelligent system.
6·It can be painstaking work to map out the timetable of key events for the supply chain group, the finance group, and sales.
7·Family financial management can be said to be a trivial, and to be very complicated and painstaking work, and should not be allowed in error.
8·Due to the painstaking work in "three Orange", the troupe only has three female employees including Laetitia, a female costume and prop designer and a female stage supervisor.
9·Competent writing demands hard, painstaking work; and you must have patience and determination, but fortunately there are certain principles and techniques which you can learn.
10·In the past, when tightly-controlled airline markets left passengers with few choices, airlines and aircraft manufacturers could say little while investigators did their painstaking work.